Monday, January 30, 2017

[Bromance FanFic] Na Na's Clothes Chapter 12

Title: Na Na's Clothes
Chapter 12
Author: Winter Bubble Tea
Rating: PG-13 to R
Pairing: Yang Na Na/Qing Yang, Zi Feng/Ya Nuo
Summary: The aftereffect of the party.

Everything hurt! As hangovers go, this felt pretty bad. Nausea, headaches, the shaking hands. All these could be dealt with by aspirin and plenty of fluids. Unfortunately, Na Na didn’t know all of this. 

Most of the time she was stop before events leading up to her system shutting down and the memory wipe of what she did the night before. If she knew that drinking this much would have killed off several thousand brain cells then she would have avoided drinking so much. 

Zi Han was an incredible bad influence in her opinion. It was a wonder that her skin was so nice, considering the pain she must be in. A cool hand on her brow felt so good and she snuffles. She possible had mutter that out loud earning a soft laugh that wasn’t too painful for her ears. 

A gentle press of liquid slid down her throat and a hard pill slid through. She sat up slowly and swallows that with more water. Bit fearful of opening her eyes and having blinding pain that she heard about from her coworkers whenever they went and over indulge in the drink another bout of water slid down her throat soothing it and the green seasick feeling. 

Na Na didn’t even want to reflect on what sort of state she must have been in her fogged up mentality. Worse if these drunken state lead to photographs being splashed across pages of tabloid since she was now consider a public figure. 

Figuring she would chance it, she slowly open her eyes and noted that the room was darken out with only a side lamp on. “Where are we?” 

Normally men don’t wear makeup and Qing Yang eyes were always darkens around and immensely handsome to her. Though her eyes never left Qing yang, and her ears dimly registered that she wasn’t in their normal places. 

“We are in the hot spring hotel. We both weren’t in the state to get back home.” Qing Yang whispered to spare her senses.

“Sorry.” Na Na echoes, “I let Zi Han egg me on.”

“Really need to keep you two apart.” Qing Yang shook his head. “Here, I brought you a change of clothes.”

“Did you get it from home?” Normally one would certainly not come up with that conclusion by merely observing her surroundings and the fact Qing Yang look tired.

Qing Yang gave a slight growl, “No. I purchase it downstairs and also bought something for myself.”

She drew back and blinked quickly, trying to get the pieces together from her hungover state.
Wrinkling her nose she gave a cursory glance at Qing Yang overall figure. His hair wasn’t as fluff probably use gel products, his shirt was different and it look like he manage to grab a jacket so close to his other jackets.

Qing Yang favored buttons on jackets that almost look militaristic. He still worn jeans so that was a comfort, he held out his leather backpack to her.

There was hardly any relaxing to do here now, “I will go shower then.”
Qing Yang gave a stiff nod carefully watching as she slid off the bed and sway a bit, but not helping just yet.  
Hurry away from the thunderstorm that brew she sense from him. Sliding open the door she shut it quickly but worried if she has any underwear items to put on. Perhaps she could see wear her old ones including the bra until she gotten back. Checking the bag she drew out a black one piece like the white one she wore. Also inside came out package new under things.

Flushing in high embarrassment, she wasn’t sure if she would explode or wish for a hole to open up for her to crawl into. She places it all neatly and started to undress whilst turning on the shower.

Hurrying up she decided it was best not to irk her boyfriend. He looks impatient and upset over something and she didn’t want to cause any more ill feelings.

It was almost two years since they had found one another.
One year after Ya Nuo and Zi Feng had tied the knot so to speak. Na Na wistfully wonders whilst toweling herself off, if she and Qing Yang would ever get together like them. 

The employees were teasing about how slow the two of them were. §he was not sure what happened, from what her father reports Qing Yang had asked him for her hand, but it’s been a while. 

Witnessing the time flowing along and her body growing fitter and limber drew happy remarks. Na Na had to say she was impressed with the changes that happened to her. She still had long hair, but she grew out her bangs so that they now instead dwarfing her brow were swept to the side.

It also drew attentions of unsavory people, but Na Na was growing restless being a kept daughter wasn’t fun. Café work wasn’t everything to her.  Yet, she also wanted a bit time away and work was something she enjoyed. 

Done she slid on the clothes and her shoes then headed out of the door. Qing Yang was pulling off the hanger a coat for her and she allow him to help her slid it on. 

“Better.” Qing Yang mood was better now, “Come along. Uncle is waiting.”
Na Na gave a bright smile as she handed over the bag, her dirty clothes were set into a plastic bag the bathroom had and she had stuffed it inside. “I hope he isn’t too worried.”

“No.” Qing Yang said, “He was rather encouraging.”

“Huh?” The door shut behind the two. 

Yang Na Na: General Manager. Could I please have a moment of your time?
Du Zi Feng: Yes. I can spare a moment. What do you require?
Yang Na Na: I remember a while ago, Ya Nuo said that your business was hiring models. To do some photoshoots for your business.
Du Zi Feng: You mean the representative models for the amusement park? The ads?
Yang Na Na: Yes. I know that Qing Yang worries that I would over strain myself, but his quite wrong. I am healthier now and I miss working. Since I do know the amusement park really well. Could I apply for the Ad or modeling work?
Du Zi Feng: If you are sure. But don’t you want Qing Yang to know?
Yang Na Na: There is a reason why I don’t want him to know just yet.
Du Zi Feng: Oh?
Yang Na Na: I want acknowledgment that I am not weak. That just because I survive this condition that I am still strong enough to tackle on harder projects. I also sort of want him to see me as beautiful. I think he only see plain ole Na Na.
Du Zi Feng: Oh. I see. So you want to impress, Qing Yang?
Yang Na Na: I am sorry if my motives are bad.
Du Zi Feng: Actually, I have an idea and I don’t believe it is bad. You do fit a certain innocent, carefree image and I think it would be good to have you on our payroll again. The only issue is I believe that Qing Yang may kill me.
Yang Na Na: Why?
Du Zi Feng: Well, I know you don’t like attention being Uncle daughter in the public. However, with this you will gain more recognition. Are you sure you want that?
Yang Na Na: Well I am going to have to step outside my sphere. Also, Qing Yang is very handsome, I want to match him.
Du Zi Feng: Alright, I will talk to my department and we will get a few photos of you for testing. If the group approves then you will have the job. If not then we can think of another way.
Yang Na Na: Thank you.

>> Chapter [13]
  << Chapter [11]


  1. I'm really loving this story of my favorite couple

  2. Está historia continuará? Me gusta mucho.... 🙏🏽

  3. Eso espero. A mi tambien me gusta mucho
