Tuesday, May 23, 2017

[BromanceFanFic] Blew Into the World on a Leaf Chapter 24

Title: Blew Into the World on a Leaf
Author: WinterBubbleTea
Notes: I know that the support character of Bromance isn't as well developed. However, I felt to prove to myself that I can write them. I simply just did it. Note I do not own any copyrights of Bromance. Instead I am just using the characters and scenarios to create fan fiction. All works written is credited to me. This is a nonprofit adventure so no lawsuits. Thanks.
Chapter 24

The return of the Du couple as Qing Yang now labels them in his head was a relief for the poor man. The two weeks was over and he was free from all that confining paperwork.

Na Na was well adjusted that Zi Feng was considering retaining her, but Na Na said she didn’t like office work too much. After being cooped up inside a room almost all her life, she like getting exercises outside and seeing the views.

Zi Feng’s mother as indulgent of Na Na, whom she considered to be her niece. Though he was glad that his mother as taking her under her wing. He was deadly afraid of what his mother would be plotting with his wife when all the girls got together.

The messages that Zi Feng sent to him to request a meeting was agreed upon. Both men went to the range to fire rifles and have a mens talk.

Qing Yang reloaded his gun and asked, “Are you happy?”

“Oh yes!” Zi Feng said with zest. “Ya Nuo was a tiger in bed and you won’t believe…”

Qing Yang immediately held up a hand, “No details on that please…”

Zi Feng made a disappointed sound, “Well you didn’t come here to talk to me about my marriage bliss.”

Qing Yang’s murderous rage only grew at how annoying Zi Feng was being in marital bliss, “I need help.”

“Obviously, but on what?” Zi Feng grew slyly, “Are you going to marry Na Na finally?”

Qing Yang gritted out, “I need ideas on how to propose.” He never exercises the romantic bone in his body, so he was coming up blank. “Also Na Na wants to learn how to fire guns.”

Zi Feng pulled the trigger and missed from his astonishment, “WHAT?”

Qing Yang snapped. “She also wants to see us three fight with martial arts.”

Whistling loudly, Zi Feng disarms the other cartilage and set the rifle into safety mode. “Don’t tell me stuff like this when I am arm!” He rubs his free hand to his brow, “So she wants to what? Join the triad?”

“No! And if you consider I would let her you must be out of your mind.” Qing Yang said, “Na Na is too kind to shoot someone, but she said she would do so if it was to protect her family.”

“Wow, Bro.” Zi Feng said and lowers his hand and put up a thumb up signal, “Your girlfriend is awesome. Hurry up and marry her, already.”

Qing Yang wondered if all the bliss ruined his friend brain. “She wants to handle guns and see us fight.”

“Who cares about that!” Zi Feng said, “Your girlfriend loves you enough and is accepting…” He indicated, “Look, after hearing about her mother, whom run off with the baby Na Na because of fear of bloodshed. Look at where we are now…”

“There was internal fighting.” Qing Yang hissed. Despite being thinner than Zi Feng, the intensity of his glare made up for the difference in build.

“Well that was taken care of—and don’t forget she is her father’s daughter.” Zi Feng said, “Life isn’t certain, all you can do is grab it all. Arise my brother and move on, live one day by one day.” He set the rifle on the table and rub his hand together, “I can’t wait to have Ya Nuo help train her and perhaps get her into our hobbies.”

Qing Yang set his rifle down and rub his temple. “You are so---so…”

“Handsome…great…brilliant?” Zi Feng chirps.

“A massive pain.” Qing Yang said, watching Zi Feng pretend to collapse.

“Well this massive pain is going to help you propose to your girl!” Zi Feng said, “And by what I can tell you are going to need it.”

Qing Yang roll his eyes, “I feel I just sold my soul to the devil.”

“What? I have good plans!” Zi Feng said wounded.

“Says the guy that proposed to his wife in the rain on a hill…in the middle of no where…” Qing Yang said dryly.

Zi Feng protested. “She was fine with it!”

“That’s because she is a fool to love an idiot.” Qing Yang rub his shoulder but pauses at the ping on his phone.

“Aah…is that Na Na? Zi Feng teases.

Taking out the phone he glances down.

Yang Na Na: I am with Brother Ya Nuo. We are going to go out for lunch. She also said that Zi Feng would have to play with you for all day. Since she is going to have a girl night out today. So I won’t be home until later too.

Wei Qing Yang: That’s alright. I am sure she has a lot to catch up with the other girls.

Yang Na Na: Thank you. I will let her know that everything is alright. We will be spending the night also with the Feng Jie, Zi Han, and Xiao Jing. I will text you later.

Wei Qing Yang: Okay.  

Glancing from his phone Qing Yang relay the message. “Your wife is having a girl’s night out with your mother, sister, her cousin and my girlfriend.”

“That’s not fair.” Zi Feng said, “We are newly wedded, I should still be getting my happiness from her.”

“Um…Too much information, Bro.” Qing Yang knew he would be dealing with an inconsolable Zi Feng all night.

The day was in discussion of ideas, Zi Feng wanted Qing Yang to propose in a balloon, but the idea of being high up in the air to propose was in Qing Yang mind crazy. One how they would get video footage of the proposal and two the weather was unpredictable.

The other idea was a luxurious hotel restaurant fully rented out for them to have a meal together. The details weren’t exactly what Qing Yang had in mind.

A few days later on Qing Yang wandered into the training room that Zi Feng was using and took a seat. Zi Feng noticed his right hand man had a peculiar expression on his face, but quickly returned to give his full attention to the spar he was engaged in with his wife.

Ya Nuo was dressed in a comfortable martial art uniform of white. Both of them continue to hone their skills, as uncomfortable as it was the thought that there may be danger anytime. It was agreed by them that they should continue to practice just to keep in shape.

The styles of theirs were easy to merge and attack back and forth. They were in synch and it always felt right for Zi Feng diving into the stances and going on offensive to defenses.

Thirty minutes later both went through cool down stretches. The two of them were getting use to synchronizing their movements. Ya Nuo quirk her head signaling she would go shower in the lockers leaving Zi Feng to converse with his friend.

Acquiescence to Ya Nuo silent message he grabbed a towel and started to dab off the excess moisture.

"What is wrong?" Zi Feng broke his friends brooding.

Qing Yang said softly, "That event you planned for my proposal to Na Na..."

"What?" Zi Feng lips purse outward to postulate a pout, "I worked hard on it!"

"Seriously, it's too lavish, and that's not what I and Na Na are..." Qing Yang push his fingers through his hair, "We don't do cruise boats with people to witness stuff."

"Well...sure mine and Ya Nuo's were a bit more detail with people but surely..." Zi Feng argued but was cut in mid-sentence.

"And it was lovely but--Na Na she is my love and I know her." Qing Yang sighs, "I need something else instead."

Zi Feng had just opened his mouth to speak again when Qing Yang held up his hand. "Alright then..." was the only expression he could give, "what does she like?"

Qing Yang nodded and stood up pacing, concentrating, recalling then open his mouth to blurt out, "anything that flies...the amusement parks, plushy, toys...she is a child at heart. She likes photographs and we had done fireworks together."

"That was...anticlimactic," Zi Feng said

"I know it's a stream of what she likes." Qing Yang said, "but I know she wants a real date, and I haven't given her anything massive before."

"Then if that's the case, I can lend you the park on a close day." Zi Feng wanted all the beating around the bush gone. Grabbing his phone to check the dates, "Or I close it down for you guys."

"That would be bad for business." Qing Yang said.

Zi Feng rolled his eyes and sent a look to Qing Yang. "Hardly. It would give time for the staff to maintain some of the rides after your usage."

Qing Yang mouth twitches up. "There is another thing."

"What?" Zi Feng asked.

"Instead of fireworks could you release sky lanterns into the sky..." The thought of the movie Rapunzel came to his mind and he felt that Instead of fireworks those lanterns would cheer up Na Na.

Zi Feng reading his mind quipped, "do you want me to place thousands of lit lanterns into the lake too and include a boat?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Qing Yang retorted, "just lend us a gazebo near the lake that's filled with thousands of lanterns."

"And I thought you didn't want elaborate." Zi Feng said with a tilt of his head

Qing Yang lips twitched, "I said I didn't want people. Elaborate is fine if it's just me and Na Na."

Zi Feng made gagging noises.

"I also got the ring ready and the gazebo with a nice dinner and the launch. Perhaps video footage of Na Na happiness..." Qing Yang started to day dream, "I know, Uncle Tian had video of a happy Auntie Mei and he cherish it. I want videos of a happy Na Na. Even Uncle would enjoy watching it after."

More gagging noises came from behind him. Qing Yang snapped out of his haze and narrows his eyes at Zi Feng. "You don't see me making fun of you and your wife."

Zi Feng beams, "That is quite true." He smirks, "Alright, so a fun time with her. Something with no one around..."

Qing Yang nods, "I would appreciate it." He tugs at his tie, "I also need to take her to be checked out at the hospital."

"Is something wrong?" Zi Feng look worried, Na Na and hospital always illicit this reaction.

A red slowly spread across Qing Yang's cheeks, "Na Na is going to get checked out at the gynecologist."

"For birth control?" Zi Feng wasn't shocked by any of this, considering he heard enough about Zi Han and the talks of birth control to reorganize monthly flow.

"Actually." Qing Yang tug his tied even more, "To have a baby."

Zi Feng whistles loudly. "Wow...she is young though."

"Na Na!" Qing Yang began, "Doesn't want to waste time." He shrugged, after her surgery and her ordeal, she want everything."

"Which reminds me." Zi Feng gave a wolfish smile, "Have you and her been practicing then?"

"NO!" Qing Yang turns away and didn't dare look at Zi Feng, "We are waiting!"

“You want too though.” Zi Feng said and winks, “I know you brother.” He then taps his thigh in thought, “She knows you are going to propose to her…because she is getting herself checked out.”

Qing Yang shook his head, “She knows I asked permission first, but I haven’t made it official, also she is checking herself out because she likes to look to the future and she wants to make sure she can have a baby.”

“It was only bone cancer…” Zi Feng said, “It’s not like the pregnancy could endanger her.”

“It’s just in case, and also we would have to keep an eye on the babies if they might have what Na Na and her mother had.” Qing Yang said softly, “I don’t care if we have kids or not, I just want her with me.”

“Well let’s just cross our fingers that it all works out.” Zi Feng reassures his friend. “And if it doesn’t turn out that way, there is adoption.” He pointed to himself, “Look out how I turned out.”
“I know…” Qing Yang gave a weak smile; he just didn’t want Na Na’s heart to break.
Zi Feng squeezes his shoulder, “Don’t worry.”


“Love me like you do.” Na Na sings with Ya Nuo happily in the karaoke box.
Here was laughter as she lean against Ya Nuo, whilst Zi Han was giggling at how they were going off key on the song.

The songs were done and soon the girls were sitting in the room chatting. “How did the honeymoon go?” Xiao Jing winks at her cousin.

Ya Nuo gave a cool air in her nice summer dress in the shade of lilac. “It was quite nice!”

Xiao Jing smirks and glances to Zi Han in amusement, “Oh come on so long never touching a man, did you eat him!?”

“XIAO JING!” Ya Nuo yelps in utter embarrassment.

Zi Han laughs, “She totally did!” 

Basically, no one could say what hanky panky went on behind doors, but Zi Han and Xiao Jing revealing how the two before their proposal and marriage were playing around. Gave Na Na a clue into the dynamics behind the married couple, she was happy for Zi Feng and Ya Nuo.

As a result, Zi Han change her tactics and went for the quiet girl, “Na Na!”

Na Na straightened her spine, “Yes?”

“Come on! Tell us what is going on with you and Qing Yang.” Zi Han teases, 
 “That man is like my brother, but I know there are waves going on with you two.”

Na Na look at the three faces looking at her with interest and slowly she lowered her eyes. “Nothing…”

“What you mean nothing?” Xiao Jing almost screeched, “That hot man has to be all over you!”

“Now Xiao Jing, you don’t exactly know Qing Yang…” Ya Nuo said trying to diffuse the interrogation.

Zi Han said, “I know him, and I know that Qing Yang has been changed since meeting Na Na. His awaken from that glass shell of his…why isn’t he attacking you yet?” She looks at Na Na eyeing her up and down. Noticing the slight changes in her clothing, but it was still conservative.

Xiao Jing picked up her drink and suck on the straw, “Maybe it is the way Na Na is dressed?”

“Qing Yang doesn’t care about the outside package.” Zi Han said, “Originally I thought he might have been gay, but…”

“Na Na.” Ya Nuo touch Na Na’s hand, “Tell us…”

“Originally.” Na Na started seeing how eager the other girls were and forced out. “He did warm up, we now share forehead kisses and cheek kisses…and hugs.” She said lowly, “Sometime in the middle he would touch me, but now it’s like he backed away.”

“He reverted?” Xiao Jing snorted.

Zi Han share a glance to Xiao Jing, “Or something else bothers him.”

Na Na said, “I told him I wanted a baby…but he said I am too young.”

Ya Nuo chokes on her drink, “You said what?”

Na Na nods her head, “I want a baby. But it wouldn’t be too soon, I guess, but afterwards he sort of…back away. Also I said I want to learn how to shoot a gun and also see Brother Ya Nuo fight Zi Feng and him.”

“Oh…” Zi Han echoes already seeing the hang ups from the thought of Qing Yang bringing an innocent into their world and it perplexed her. She could see why he would back away a little.

Ya Nuo shook her head, “Well that doesn’t make sense.” She lean on her hand, “Zi Feng was all over me before proposal.” She contemplates it, “Also he was fine bringing me into the fold.”

Xiao Jing shakes her head, “But that is because you can fight, and he also made sure you were out of the way of dangers.”

Ya Nuo breath out a sigh, “Well that didn’t turn out well for him…after Han Sheng showed up.” She gave Na Na a measure up look, “You want to learn defense?”

Na Na nods her head, “I do, but I also want to do this to ensure that when I go out to work that he wouldn’t worry.”

“Perhaps he needs a push to propose.” Zi Han said with an evil smirk. “How about we help give him a push by making him see the sexy side of our Na Na.”

“What?” Na Na slowly bunches up her shoulder not liking the look in Zi Han eyes. “What would this have to do with him wanting me?”

Zi Han motion to her own body and Xiao Jing, “Come on take a look at me and Xiao Jing here…sister!” She exclaimed, “We are sexy, men look at us, and the same could be said about Ya Nuo.”

Xiao Jing picked up from here Zi Han came from, “Try bring out the sexy clothes and make up and get his attention!”

Zi Han snapped her fingers, “I know!” She said, “There is a department that was advertising for girls to be models.” She said with a wave, “Why don’t you try out?”

“Sexy…dressing?” Na Na shook her head, “I don’t think I can…”

“No No!” Zi Han waves her finger, “It doesn’t have to be all sexy, but it would be with a department in our conglomerate and you can try it out and get nice photos. It will definitely give you a boost of confidence and light a fire under Qing Yang’s rear.”

Ya Nuo weren’t sure about this. To get started providing tinder to a flame was to feed it, but to add gasoline was to create an explosion that may affect both Qing Yang and Na Na.  

“It might not be a good idea.” Ya Nuo put in.

“Oh come on! It would be an experience and it also can’t hurt. She would get some money into the bank.” Xiao Jing said, “Staying in the coffee shop and not traveling or seeing the world is a waste, and since Qing Yang think she is too young, this would help out.”

“Is it easy to be a model?” Na Na asked worried.

Zi Han said, “It all has to do with walking in these clothing that may be short or even long or heavy.” She said casually, “but it’s basically standing and posing.”

Na Na drew from the encouragement of the two girls, “Okay…I will try, but how do I apply?”

Zi Han gave a brilliant smile at Na Na for the answer she wanted to hear. “Ask Zi Feng.”

Na Na considers and nods her head, “She didn’t want to be a burden to Qing Yang as well as her father. Since she was healthier, now just dipping her feet into a job would be nice.

“Okay. Thanks.” Na Na said feeling lucky to acquire friends such as these.

If only Qing Yang would know what sort of agony he would be subjected too, he would have never readily agree to let Na Na attend those multiple girl night out.
If he did, it would have spared him all this painful awareness and jealous moments. 

<< Chapter [23]
>> Chapter [25]

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