Saturday, June 24, 2017

[Bromance FanFic] Na Na's Clothes Chapter 13

Title: Na Na's Clothes
Chapter 13
Author: Winter Bubble Tea
Rating: PG-13 to R
Pairing: Yang Na Na/Qing Yang, Zi Feng/Ya Nuo
Summary: Working is not easy, but it has perks.

Zi Feng felt amused by Na Na's request. He understood she wanted to work since he could understand her desire to appear independent. It must be tough for her, since she was use to doing things all by herself.

Stealth was key in observation mission. Granted Zi Feng was trained very well on sneaking around. It required real finesses, no small amount of charm, and the ability to appear as unobtrusive as possible.  Unfortunately, his appearance causes problems, including his identity, but he had gotten very good at observing others, and even hiding in corners and shadows. 

Watching Na Na's first job having her photos taken, Zi Feng understood Na Na wasn't categorized by many as gorgeous, but there was a hidden charm in her. The smile of brightness would be the one to garnish and tangle Qing Yang easily. 

The gentleness in her image and the way she wore clothing, already flicker through his mind, about how she might be really good as a model. Qing Yang had started it. Buying all of those clothes, helping her with make up and skin care. He started it and now the mold had set.

The photographer was excited as he instructed her, and Zi Feng noted to tell Mr. Zhang to not touch this model. Qing Yang would tear his head off.

Mr. Zhang love beautiful girls, he flirted and even gotten into relationships, until the flame burns out. If he didn't needed the talent of Mr. Zhang in photography for this special magazine, he would have hired someone else. He was still finding other fits to help promote their park. He even considered trying to find new talents to take photos. Perhaps a student group that might be cheaper, but still have talent. 

He would have to consider this deeply, if should Qing Yang would tear his throat out for submitting his Na Na to the stresses of a man with bad intentions. Na Na turn her head and look at the camera, her posture was still her, even as she wear the black dress. 

Carefully he evaded the plugs and wires on the floor and went to the computer to view the other images. Na Na standing on one of their cafe overlooking the businesses store fronts, in a pretty pink camisole. Mr. Zhang had exclaimed that she was able to pull off bright colors.

"She is quite nice, her skin has a great glow..." Miss Ping said with happiness as she edited the photos rendering it to match the pages of the magazines she was still typing. "Where did you find her?"

Zi Feng answered softly, "She found Qing Yang." He look amused, "She is family."

"Oh." Miss Ping said carefully, "Well that is a worry. Mr. Zhang looks like his already in love with her."

Zi Feng didn't dignify that with a reply, instead choosing to stare blankly into Miss Ping's eyes until she felt a shiver run up and down her spine. 

Miss Ping rub her arms, "You are sometimes so scary..." She complained good-naturally, "Fine. Will you warn Mr. Zhang?"

"His scare of Qing Yang." Zi Feng saw the slightest twitch on Miss Ping's mouth, indicating her amusement. 

"Be sure that he hurts him after all the photos are in my hands." Miss Ping turn back and already adjusted. "I think they are ready to bring in the giant bear."

"Giant...Bear?" Zi Feng mouth opened wide as the set was changed and a Giant Bear was moved in. Na Na had disappeared and in ten minutes came out in checker pants and a nice fuzzy blue sweater. "How does this match the conception?" Zi Feng complained. 

"You do have a store for candy that has giant bears." Miss Ping roll her eyes, "Besides she look like she fit with the cute conception." 

Zi Feng view that the clothing was conservative. He did not want to think of what would happened if Qing Yang found out if his girl friends attribute was being show cased in public. 

"Just wait til she grows more as a model and is given more sexy concepts." Miss Ping giggles. 

Zi Feng turns pale. He imagine Qing Yang chasing him down and capturing him. Then slowly dissecting him for allow his girl friend to do this job. If it was Ya Nuo he knew he would be all in protest. 

He inwardly cringed and jumped when his phone started to ring.

"What are you doing?" Qing Yang voice immediately came through after connecting.

"Uh...Working? Zi Feng tried to make himself sound solid, but he squeaked flinching at the dark cloud that was probably surrounding the cafe.

"I got the magazine!" Qing Yang hisses.

"That's not possible..." Already knowing he confirmed his death. Miss Ping had sent out a pdf of the magazine to the editor and him being the moron, did not realize that Qing Yang had access to many things in his company.

Namely fashion and advertisements. He was SO DEAD.

"What are you up to?" Qing Yang hisses.

"I am just helping her out, she wants a job and she selected this. You can't keep her lock up you know!" Zi Feng tries to argue.

Qing Yang quieted down, "She was supposed to go to school, not being feature on magazines."

"I know, but you know Na Na, she is an independent woman." Zi Feng tries to placid the gloomy tone.

"I understand." There was a hesitation, "Just make sure she is safe."

"I will, don't worry, she is family." Zi Feng reassures Qing Yang.

Hanging up, Zi Feng breath out a sight of relief, but then froze seeing the photograph walking after Na Na. Oh hell no! He went to interfere. 

<< Chapter [12]
>> Chapter 14


  1. Noooooo.... How could you stop the chapter there? Lol... Now I have to wait for another chapter before I can find out what happens to the Photographer and if Qing Yang is going to have to seek vengeance. Great chapter. I hope I get to read more soon.

  2. I'am glad to read the whole content of this blog and am very excited,Thank you for sharing good topic.

