Wednesday, March 23, 2016

[DOTS FanFic] Beauty's Monster

Title: Beauty's Monster
Author: WinterBubbleTea
Drama: Descendant of the Sun 
Rating: PG-13
Summary:The insecurities are like monsters to the mind whereas the heart still yearns to be with the one that makes it flutter.
Credit Gif: Naver

A doctor oath is a personal vow, To save lives and not take. 

Mo-yeon admits her views of soldiers are biased. War to her is a constant battle to beat back death with a stick. To yank a soul from the clenched of the final veil and pull those individual wisps one by one to the living. 

She has seen her share of death but she never experience what a soldier war is like. She never knew of landmine dangers the red cross symbols were no guarantee of safety. Could Mo-yeon compare that plus sign to a badge of honor? Shi-Jin the arrogant sod was handsome and charming. He was also deadly to her ethical beliefs and blow the mile assumption of hers that the military were full of people that took lives. 

She felt ashamed in the end to realize their hard won democracy and freedom were paved on the shoulders and back of these men. Whom constantly fought and try to maintain a status quo so that there would be a home to go back too.

Patriotism wasn't something Mo-yeon was use too. The thought of placing her hand over her chest during a national anthem was foreign since attending university.

It wasn't like grade school when you became an adult.

Everything changes. A man calling her beautiful constantly invading her space and her mind. The worries of his job and the idea that he was out there, where anytime he could step on a landmine and blow up.

That man why did he have to come? Why did he have to appear where she went and slowly she started wanting to see him. Started wanting to meet him, but the idea in her mind didn't fit the presence of the man. The man in her mind was a shadow compare to the real live version.

There was more uncertainty being with him, a scalpel in her hand was easier then dealing with him. Mental intelligence her mother use to badger her saying that she was good at working smartly, but was terrible for her emotional intelligence. Being smart then most people her mother stated meant that she must be lacking something.

Mo-yeon was hurt by her mother, and though she didn't want to admit it being a doctor meant that her love life was lacking and the experience of trying to deal with someone in a relationship. Meant she felt like she was below and at a disadvantage. Experience dealing with patients was different then dealing with the emotions that could mess her up.

There were tons of embarrassing moments that Mo-yeon doesn't want to imagine let alone remember when being around Shi-jin. She felt like she is living, but she hasn't made up her mind if she was leaving well or not.

The constant bout of dangers between her and him was inevitable she suppose. Being in a third world country where a gang exists and the constant dirty moments of human history being presented. The scars she start to see in Shi Jin countenance when he faces a man of his past. The words Private Ryan exposing the chink in his armor and Mo Yeon's monster rear its head.

When she states she doesn't want to save a life she believe that may bring more death and the oath she holds as a doctor wavers. Yet, Shi Jin request her to save him and that he would be the one to end the man's life if he made the wrong move.

Why is it...the monster she believe...turns out to be the hidden one inside her body. Yet Shi Jin was the opposite he wanted to protect life even if it meant protecting a devil that sold children and shoot people. A bad man and she could see that the beauty was in Shi Jin and he was bright whereas there lingers the thumping of the monster inside her own soul the uncertainty it whispers.

Do no harm. Yet would it be doing more harm to fix a man like this? A ethical view point that can sway back and forth, people would say that the man would have to be put through law of courts, but in this world. The law itself was corrupt by police that are bought, so where does this put her?

Who is the true Monster? It's hard...because the world is in the shade of gray instead of black and white. 

Master List DOTS


  1. Thank you for this. I hope you will continue to write about DotS. I have read all that you have written about the drama so far.

    1. Also, I wasn't expecting a new story so soon. Thanks again...

    2. Thank you all for the kind words. I have been trying my best to write DOTS fan fiction. Unfortunately I don't have much time and so nothing is ever edited once it's been typed haha.

      I will continue to write like usual sometimes it might take one to seven days depending on speed.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. You're very welcome, Winter. I already appreciate all the time you are putting into writing the fanfics, and the recaps, so please take your time :-)

    5. Thanks...the stories are coming just slower at pace since busy haha

  2. KMY inner thoughts. Struggle to love or not to love. GOD really balance us well. KMY is so smart and a good Doctor but weak in emotion. Thanks Winter. From your writings, you too are full of experiences in Life.

    1. I am more an introspective person. So I think a lot haha

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
