Thursday, May 19, 2016

[DOTS FanFic] DOTS OneShots 8 Never Give Up

Title: DOTS One Shots 8 Never Give Up
Author: WinterBubbleTeaDrama: Descendant of the Sun
Character: Kang Mo-Yeon
Summary: Even though people criticize others to make themselves feel better, it just made Mo Yeon stronger to keep on fighting!

When Mo-Yeon was five she learned a very valuable lesson. The world was not fair and complaining about it may let her think she had some control but in reality that was a lie. Her teacher always focuses on the pretty and smart kids. Mo-Yeon admits she originally wasn’t a good student but after learning the social hierarchy she started to change.

Her mother worked in a fish market. Her father was post man. Their humble beginnings as her father would say is the backbone of their family. Mo Yeon would sometimes spend time with her mother helping could out change or collecting the money from the clients. Her math was applied and she became really good at it.

Slowly it started to churn in little Mo Yeon mind that money was power. It kept her family fed, bought her favorite foods and resourced that all required money. Money makes the world go round; was a favorite saying of her mom.

Grades rouse slowly and surely. Mo-Yeon grew up and year by year she maintains top scores enough to enter the medical college. She had a choice between the tracks of humanities gear toward law or that of science major that pointed in direction of medical school.

Math was a favorite subject and she was good at it. The concept of counting other people’s money did not appeal to Mo Yeon nevertheless the appeal of knowing numbers of how much dosage or MG she would have to use on a patient to keep them stable was right up her alley.
There were roadblocks on her journey to be a doctor.

Every good journey always has challenges and with those also came the critics. The upper echelon that believe connections make a good doctor and the need to study was not necessary. Mo Yeon met plenty of those while in University and ignore them to bury into books.

She chose not to listen to those people that wanted her to fail. They view commoners wanting to become a doctor as a foreign alien in their territory. It was inevitable that Mo Yeon would continuously butt heads with those that thought they knew better.

Yet if they were in an emergency simulation they never knew how to diagnose a patient while rambling on how well acquaint they are with doing which type of surgery. All of it was a bluff, they were just incompetent.

What Mo Yeon could not believe is the type of classmates she had that pass the exam after their fourth try. It was ludicrous and astonishing that there were no further restrictions on these incompetent buffoons. 

Mo Yeon would complain to her best friend Pyo Ji Soo. At least her, best gal knew how much idiots are and at least she had a safe haven to talk too. 

Mo Yeon also learned that people hate those that were happy with their lives. To live well and happy made people mad and vicious, but it’s the best revenge. She never gave up and now she was a doctor with a handsome lover.

She had money in the bank and fame. She kept her skills up and had the best group of friends ever and she wasn’t ever lonely. Mo Yeon thought she turned out better than any of the other people that use to talk behind her back and she felt satisfied.

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