Saturday, June 4, 2016

Descendant of the Sun Recap Episode 7

Descendant of the Sun Recap Episode 7

Captain Yoo arrives! With a few other team members sliding down a rope from the helicopter to the ground. The stunt and filming I give props is absolutely wonderful. I like the pre-production filming because it means that everything is planned out and the whole stories is fully told, unlike how filming and airing at same time causes splotches of holes here and there.

The chemistry is great between the main leads the searching gazes and the confirmation that both are alright to going to work and meeting once again with the Captain setting aside his helmet to help tie her shoe laces. *Clap hands* Backing away from the Captain, Mo Yeon stands up to finally look at him closely.

Shi Jin said that thank goodness she isn't hurt and that he has been regretting not saying good bye when he left, he also told her he cannot be with her and tell her to be careful. In response Mo Yeon told him to also be careful too.

Smiling a heartfelt, he walked around her and both of them are off to continue their work to save those in need. Just as morning starts to break. Daylight appears and Shi Jin to Snoopy are checking each area to find out if there are any survivors in the wreckage. They are using tools to hear if there is any noise or knocks.

The Naughty Manager Richard as he likes to be call is trying to convince the men to go help dig out his office. Seo Dae Young indicates that it is impossible since the structures are dangerous to use hard tools such as the bulldozers. He hit the complex just to move how unstable the structure is..

Inside the ruins Manager Go and another man is trap inside. Manager Go is telling the kid to hang on and that the people outside are looking for them. They heard noises from outside and they learn that there are other workers that are trapped right above them. They are telling them to hang on and a light appear to show a camera looking down and identifying the men inside.

The men are discussing how to get the entrance unblock to free the men. Richard insists that they should use heavy equipment and once again the army men are getting frustrated with the annoying man. Especially, when they man only wants to save his paperwork instead of the people.

Shi Jin having enough alert the men to get rid of the civilian from the field of danger. Threats were being made by the man and Shi Jin went back to consider how to help the men. He comes up with the solution to use airbags and fill it with water to try to open the crevice. Since they don't have enough air pumps to inflate them.

I guess this is why he is the leader, guess all that education was useful for something. >.>

Back in the medical camp, Mo Yeon just place a red band on the man she was examining. Young Kim Gi Beom hurries over with a walkies talkie saying it is am emergency. There Mo Yeon heard it is Daniel and he saying he is being blocked from doing surgery. Feeling annoyed she told the manager of the surgery to let him in to save the man in surgery. Also informing Daniel once the guy is better that he can sue him.

Shi Jin listening in on the information felt amused and satisfied that his woman was able to solve the issue quickly.

Manager Richard once again approaches the group watching what they are up too. Shi Jin indicate that he would be one of the men going in to save lives. Snoopy was going inside and he manage to crawl in and establish contact, tons of men started to crawl out and the medical team appears to help examine the man Park Yong Man, he tells them that there are still more people trap inside. One of them being Manager Go.

Harry Potter reassures the man that they would be able to save them and to take care of himself. Whilst this is happening Shi Jin is grabbing rope and heading into the building, Mo Yeon spots him and both are staring at each other.

Inside the building on the steps of ruins there is one guy discover and that he has a weak pulse, Myung Joo is examining him with Min Ji. Mo Yeon starts to whack the man in the chest to restart the heart which is the correct procedure, the heart beat comes back and Myung Joo is surprised by Mo Yeon treatment. They have identified the problems with the man as shock from hemoperitoneum they identify that the medicube is full from operations and that the helicopter wouldn't arrive in time.

So Mo Yeon tell them to do surgery here right now. They do not have time to wait and she suggest they go outside to do the surgery int he light, Myung Joo said that is crazy since they do not have CT scanner and that there is danger of dust and germs. Mo Yeon said that they have no choice and that Myung Joo would have to make the decision to save him or not, just because of all her excuse.

Making a decision they all decide to do the surgery outside. Spotting Ye Hwa Mo Yeon call her to help them get the guy outside. Gi Beom is trying to help in the tens and end up knocking over stuff. One of the Nurses yell at him that he is injury and should be resting instead. Betadine was requested by Min Ji while Gi Beom watches her leave with the items necessary.

Meanwhile Chi Hoon discover a woman with an army man and started to pull out his medical supply to administer her some anesthetic but the woman refuses because she is pregnant. This is where issues crop up because the woman cannot speak English and she struggles refusing the injection. When she show the photos to show that she has a baby he understood and informed her that it would hurt re snapping her broken leg in place. The woman agree to it because she doesn't want to lose her baby and so Chi Hoon snaps the bone into place and she screams.

The scene look like a battlefield out there with people running around, reporters from the world times appeared and try to talk to Gi Beom in trying to gain information on the situation in regards to how many die. Gi Beom doesn't know English and they are having issues, Gi Beom tries to get the men to talk to Nurse Hae whom tell them to shove off since she is busy. He then drag the man over to talk to Doctor Song and the man smartly told the guys that he is not good at English.

Medic Cube contact the walkies talkies asking for a doctor. Doctor Song said he can go and goes into the World Times van and tell him he would give an interview if they take him to the hospital. Gi Beom admires Doctor Song and Nurse Hae appraoches telling him that Doctor Song is useless as a man but was great as a doctor.

Radio came on and Ye Hwa is asking for anyone that is AB blood type. Gi Beom stated that he is AB blood and so is laying down as Ye Hwa is confirming that he is AB blood type for the surgery that Myung Joo is going to do.

The Captain approach and tell Mo Yeon she need to come with him because of some patients. Wearing a hard hat she entered the cavern of broken building and Manager Go told her that it is dangerous she shouldn't be here.

Examining Manager Go and the other man that is impaled, Mo Yeon tell the guy not to move because the spike is near his heart and that he cannot move at all. Examining both men she told Shi Jin to cut the bar to get them to surgery, but Shi Jin tell her that he has to talk to her outside.

Off to the side Mo Yeon is asking him what the problem is. Shi Jin informs her that the bars are interconnected saving Manager Go would end up impaling the man on the other side. While cutting the other man free would result in the rock dropping further to crushing Manager Go. Shi Jin told Mo Yeon that she has to decide since Medic Team is the one that is of opinion the experts on who would have a better chance of survival.

Mo Yeon is devastated she was asking Shi Jin, what to do, I guess this is the issue that she would have to face. Saving one man results in the death of another. Snoopy comes in and tell her to hurry up, but Shi Jin tell her you have ten minutes to make decisions. Shi Jin told Snoopy she made request to think about it as a doctor, re priming Snoopy for his words.

Richard once again butts in telling Shi Jin that these two guys are pretty much dead and instead it is important to get the papers he need. He starts talking about he is a Korean citizen and pays their taxes and Shi Jin grows madder.

He hands the man a shovel and tell him to do it himself. He also tell him to get lost, but that is when the roof starts to cave in and Shi Jin quickly shields the menace of a man from injury. He himself had gotten hit by one of the pipes and he asked the men if they are alright, over to the side electricity is spewing and there is a metal grate nearby, Shi Jin immediately shoot at the boulder on top to crush and defuse the electrical line.  Richard is shock when blood drips onto his hand and he realizes that Shi Jin gotten hurt saving him and that he still continue to walk and talk on his headset while checking the situation.

Mo Yeon is beside Manager Go and Nurse Hae is beside her keeping Manager Go comfortable with the medication. Manager Go tell Mo Yeon to save the other man since he has three kids one boy and two girls. Manager Go tell her that he work in construction for so many years and he knows what is going on. Mo Yeon is tearing up and telling him she would try her best and Manager Go reassures her that he knows.

He tries to comfort her saying that he is lucky he can lay down to rest and look at the blue sky, that he worked enough to support his kids to college and it would be up to them. As for the other man impale the man asked for more painkillers, but Mo Yeon inform him she cannot because he has to go under surgery.

She tell him to clench his fist and he can barely see his hand going to clench, but he request her to save him please. Mo Yeon told him not to move and that she would do so.

Gi Beom is still laying down with a transfusion between him and the patient, whilst this is happening Myung Joo is cutting and fixing the man, he learn that he is saving some mans life and whether or not he can tell Dae Young about it. Myung Joo told him that she is first in line to tell Dae Young when she save the man.

Lying down on the ground the reporters are providing blood donations to Ye Hwa. She said that they are making a blood promises since she would let them interview three people she name, she ask them who they want. They all immediately said they wanted Daniel Spencer. Ye Hwa is frustrated because she realize it is the look these guys were looking for--because Daniel is handsome.

Inside the wreck building Dae Young is walking forward and steps on a crumble floor and fell through. Gi Beom is frekaing out standing up and saying that the Sergeant major is in danger. Myung Joo told the boy to lay back down because they are still trying to save this guy. On the radio Dae Young reassure them all he is fine he landed on the sand. Gi Beom felt relieved and Myung Joo told him to shut up she is being distracted.

Mo Yeon is once again talking to Shi Jin she is feeling pressure, but it is Shi Jin that inform her she is the one to make the final decisions. It's through his words that she makes her final decisions. This is also consider a battle because it is hard for Mo Yeon she never had such a decision to make. It shows that there is no time to whine and but to make a decision to save who they can save.

At the Medic Cube they are transferring the impaled patient to the surgery room. Doctor Song said he would do the surgery and that Mo Yeon should rest, but she said she would do the surgery and need his help. The portable x-ray machine is also damage and not able to be used. Mo Yeon told her team they would do this quickly and accurate. I suppose she is going to make sure to save this man because of the loss of Manager Go.

Back at the tent where the dead are lay to rest, Shi Jin is looking at Manager Go's face and seeing the photograph inside the mans wallet. He then place the wallet over the mans chest and place his hands over it. He then stands up and holds his helmet to his stomach and salutes the man. The man died honorably in his opinion he sacrifice his own life to save another man.

Inside the Medic Cube Daniel took the broken clock from Ye Hwa and fixes it. Outside Myung Joo saves the man and informed Gi Beom for doing a good job, the two salute one another. Workers are still cutting into the rumble the backup comes to relieve them of their shift.

The boys head back to base in trucks with the medical team. Myung Joo is sitting in the back of a truck looking at the blood on her hands. Dae Yong is observing her.

Shi Jin father is having a conversation with Commander Yoon. There Commander Yoon is telling the man that Shi Jin being there reassures him since his daughter is with him. He is trying to set up Shi Jin with his daughter by trying to get Mr. Yoo's approval, but I suspect that the man knows that his son isn't interested.

Back at HaeSung hospital the director is updating them on what is happening. The mother of Chi Hoon double check on her daughter in law, since they both are relieved by Chi Hoon being alright with the medical team. Chi Hoon mother is demanding to talk to her son, but the director is telling her that the resources should be used for emergency. Of course Chi Hoons mother threw a fit. Doctor Pyo learns that Chi Hoon's mother is rich and that they own the hospital land, Doctor Pyo immediately tries to ingrain herself to Chi Hoon's wife.

It's night time at Uruk and Chi Hoon is sitting down exhausted mentally, Doctor Song is smoking a cigarette. Chi Hoon asked for a smoke, but the guy refused. Inside the medic cube it is very busy. Nurse Hae is working around the clock changing the IV and once again Chief Manager of the Power Plant Jin Young Su (Richard) Show up. He claims that he is in pain, when he look fine and he is requesting a viatman.

Nurse Hae is annoyed and pull out the radio, calling that Miss B is here and that there is some patient here laying down that he need a vitamin injection. The response on the radio that the man must be insane. Richard throwing a fit that the Nurse is talking down on him, and he is making threats on Nurse Hae.

Nurse Hae calls Min Ji saying that the sterilization unit is broken and they got tons of work to do. Army men came in with a wounded man taking up the bed that Jin Young Su tries to lay in before.

A truck comes along and Valentine shows up with boxes of food for the army men for their hard work in saving the men. Shi Jin said they would buy 100 drinks and that it is on Sergeant Seo, since he is still being punished. The men are rubbing their feet and chewing on their food. Shi Jin shows up and tell them to remain on the floor resting, he give them a talk and telling them that they would still continue rescue operations.

He told them that they will have to sleep well and just obey orders because he doesn't give out wrong orders. That's one way to reassure them they did the right things considering people dying around them. Dae Young is at the sink washing his hands and rubbing his wrist. Myung Joo appears taking his towel and patting his face down to get rid of the water.

Myung Joo ask Dae Young if he is here because of her fathers orders. Dae Young conceals it saying he is here because he is the best. He informs Dae Young to phone call her father, since he worries over her.Dae Young confesses that he regrets all the time he ran away from her, and then hug her tightly.

Myung Joo is crying tears either from joy. I think?

In the back of the medic cube Nurse Hae is boiling water and cleaning the utensil for surgery. Doctor Song showed up to help her. That man probably wanted the excuse to spend time with her. XD Jae Ae states that it is inconvenient to not having a sterilizer. I simply love how realistic this is--the modern convience to being somewhere you have to use the old methods.

Doctor Song asked Jae Ae if she is scared. Then commented that is why he kept on telling her to run away with him when they had arrived. His mouth goes off on how if he was married he could have used his wife and children as an excuse. Ja Ae makes me laugh when she responded that he should have and what has he been doing with his life. Doctor Song immediately told her that she is not one to talk, considering she doesn't have a husband of kids too. Feeling bad for making Ja Ae feeling bad he told her to repeat the numbers 1030, which is the password to his laptop.  He tell her that if he dies that she has to go into the hard drive C and delete the folder unknown. Of course Nurse Hae believes that it is his porno collection.

I love this couple their dialogue is funny.

It's time to check on the patients. Mo Yeon is observing the man she save and another one that went through surgery. She changes one mans band from red to green. She gives instruction to the staff and one by one they are checking each patient. They learn Chi Hoon is using his mobile with music for the woman he save to listen to calm the baby.

Mo Yeon notices the man that lended her the boots and she takes it off and gives it back thanking him for the usage. Due to his help she save many people. This is a touching moment in my opinion.

At the board they see 18 decease and 41 injured on the chalk writing. Mo Yeon offer her own candle lighting it. Mo Yeon is struggling with the death of the people she couldn't save. At the site she is walking and looking at all the damages to the power  plant and the working men that are trying to clear the debris. She turns around and imagines how the site was before.

Where the power plant was originally standing and men were working to hand over cement and one by one workers went along. Then Manager Go appear with little boy Kang pinching his ear, and the man is smiling at her and laughing telling her she did a good job. Mo Yeon is started to cry because it hurts the patient she allow to die on her watch. Shi Jin is observing her the whole time when one of the army men approach and notice that Shi Jin is bleeding, he tell the guy to have a look at it. He starts to unsnap his clothes and the man checks the injury. The man asked him how he can bear with the pain this whole time and that he need stitches.

Mo Yeon appears stating she would be the one to fix him up. Mo Yeon asked him how he got this injury and he stated he got it when saving people.With a scissor she is suturing the injury up. Mo Yeon startles Shi Jin when she tell him she is fine. He wonder how she was able to know what he was thinking. Mo Yeon said she could hear it loud and clear without him saying anything.

Shi Jin said he is very thankful that Mo Yeon is here. Whether it is here as in she is alive or that she was fighting with them to save lives. I am borderline thinking he is thankful she is alive. Shi Jin said he didn't meant to sound mean before he probably regrets how he talk to her when Mo Yeon had to make a decision on who to save. Mo Yeon reassure him that she seen plenty of people that died, she seen more then a soldier with a gun.

Mo Yeon tell Shi Jin to do something he is good at instead of trying to comfort her. She tell him that he is good at making jokes. So he made a not so funny joke in my opinion that she is pretty even though he is not looking at her.

He then confesses that he misses her that no matter what he tried to do he couldn't stop missing her. He asked her if she never thought about it and he told her that she should think about it now because he is going to be serious this time. I guess there won't be anymore pulling away from that man. She is it for him.

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