Thursday, February 4, 2016

[BromanceFanFic] Diaries of a Triad Leader’s Mom Chapter 4

Title: Diaries of a Triad Leader’s Mom
Author: Winterbubbletea
Ratings: Anywhere Between PG-13 to M
Pairings: DuPi
Summary: The inner workings of a Triad Leader's mother. 

Feng Jie watches over her daughter as she files her nails. Today her daughter would accompany her by doing her nails, they always one way or another do their beauty moments together. Zi Han wanted to show her a new sort of style of manicure, she always indulges her little baby girl.

Glancing down, Feng Jie gave a smile, “Looks good.” She praises Zi Han.

“Of course, who am I?” Zi Han boast.

Feng Jie forked a mouthful of pudding. “Now say ah….” She coos, Zi Han echoes her and took in the pudding. Smiling happily, Zi Han uses the file to add layer onto Feng Jie’s index finger. Her daughter beauty habits at home were fun, blue clothes that are comfy with her long hair curled around irons of strawberries.

A greeting of, “Mom, I am back!”

Zi Feng came back it wasn’t too late this time, so perhaps she could get some food ready for him.

“You’re back?” Feng Jie greets holding the fork that her daughter still chomping on.

“Brother, You’re back.” Zi Han said between her works.

Feng Jie froze when Ya Nuo came into place, “Feng Jie.” He nods his head. Pulling the fork back gently, she kept her pose to see what her daughter’s reaction would be. The puff of exasperation of air her daughter immediately got up and tries to move away from the young man.

Feng Jie Folded her arms at Ya Nuo’s call of, “Miss DU.”

Zi Han’s screams of, “I’m doom.”

Came over the room, Feng Jie could only asked embarrassed for her daughter, “Ya Nuo, why are you here today?” Was all she could say, Zi Feng obviously was not showing an expression, but she could tell he did this on purpose.

Zi Feng hanging his jacket over his shoulder stated, “I brought him home to take the wrong-sized shirts that Zi Han bought for me. Hey, lets go.”

Feng Jie waves back to Ya Nuo whom followed after Zi feng. Indeed, wrong shirt size, Feng Jie picked up the fork laughing inwardly, as if Zi Han would buy her brother clothes. Zi Feng was a picky on clothes, he wouldn’t just wear anything, and so most likely that sneaky boy went to buy something for Ya Nuo.

Feng Jie nods her head as she collected the dishes to bring to the kitchen.  Zi Han had informed her of the Liao Guang Chao that lost her perfect Ya Nuo Ge Ge’s truck. How despicable that man was to make her poor Ya Nuo work so hard.

Feng Jie couldn’t exactly cut into her daughter’s delusional fretting over, Zi Feng’s sworn brother, now could she? Besides it was only right, Lord Guan the temple god of contracts and oaths for sworn siblings, indicate that when taken as a blood brother or sister. ‘Their life is your life, their sadness is your sadness, and the families are together, because their lives are your life.’

In a sense it is like the western vows of marriage, but instead it’s more for families or business partnership. It was good he was taking protecting his sworn brother seriously, but if Ya Nuo didn’t have the capability Zi Feng wouldn’t have hurriedly went with Zi Han to offer him the job.

The Pi family, as she investigated was a simple family, she couldn’t get much information on them, and just they were a family of three with distant cousins. They live their lives without friends around them and work just as hard as any people. They were a peaceful family and their son’s achievement in martial arts was remarkable as was the rumors of how nice he is.

Indeed, they would have the best, and it can show by the changes in her children.

November 2, 2015. Monday

“I cannot help teasing my daughter. She was mortified as she cries to me about how embarrassing. I have to say she is quite cute and would like to see more embarrassing moments for her and my son. It doesn’t make me a bad mother.” – Feng Jie

Feng Jie scans her daughter quick change of clothes and smiles, “Remember a woman’s clothes and make up is her armor.” She teases her daughter.

Huffing Zi Han went straight to her brother’s room. Following behind they stroll through the door and spotted a heart stopping moment.

Feng Jie couldn’t react to the sight of her son head angle a certain way and his hand around Ya Nuo’s neck. They were so close together.  

Zi Han screams out, “What are you doing?”

The cry of her daughter and the peak of Ya Nuo from the side made Feng Jie relax.

Ya Nuo look puzzled, “Huh? Your brother is teaching me how to tie a necktie.”

Zi Han took a breath of relief, while Feng Jie lowers her hand down, “Tie a necktie…I thought they were kissing.” Zi Han voice out Feng Jie’s thoughts on that glancing quickly to the other two she follow to the wall.

The relationship between the two weren’t bad; Ya Nuo really does look good in black and white combination of business clothes. Unable to help but smile when Ya Nuo greeted her as she lean against the wall. She watches her daughter in a red and black skirt that was very revealing prevented Ya Nuo from exiting.

Her daughter’s quest for love was more fascinating then any drama on television.

“Miss Du, are you going out?” Ya Nuo asked looking at her; it wasn’t the reaction that Feng Jie expected. Didn’t Mr. Pi like long legs? Then again that was his cousin.

Feng Jie’s wanted to laugh so badly at her daughter’s white lie of “Oh, I usually wear this at home. These are my pajamas.” Her shoulder hunches in her held back laughter.

Ya Nuo tries to pass by again, “I will get going first then.”

Zi Han mulishly said, “Let me send you off.” Blocking once again her daughter really was on the hunt.

“It’s okay. I can go by myself.” Ya Nuo protested.

The sudden grasping of clothes Zi Han said, “It’s not like you’re going to lose a piece of meat if I send you off.” She swung away and walked off.

Feng Jie could feel her smile lifting further on her face, her daughter’s words were utterly ridiculous, drawing her arms behind her, and she nods to Ya Nuo. Ya Nuo courtesy bow to her and headed off. Recalling that she wanted to give Zi Feng dinner and let the two love birds spend a bit time together, she raised her hand up to stop him. “Hey, Zi Feng, tonight what do you wants for dinner?”

 “Oh, I’m not hungry. I think your daughter is hungry.” Zi Feng pump his fist upward, Feng Jie started to laugh as she gets his point and went to follow.

November 2, 2015. Monday

“I have to say. With another person in the house there is life and noise. I feel sorry that I imagine my son was kissing his sworn brother. The premises of my birthday party must be lingering further. I almost thought that the Lord Moon had tied the two in a relationship instead by mistake. I am glad it was just a misunderstanding. My Son is a manly man, and so is Ya Nuo, there is no way. I must have mistaken it. Zi Han my cute baby is still struggling on catching that man. I should stop feeding her meat at home, and then she probably would do a better job at catching her man.”Feng Jie
 << Chapter 3
Master List
>> Chapter 5


  1. I love Feng Jie fanfic because I am a mom to 3 teenagers. Thanks Winter.

    1. *Curious* Do you tease them a lot?

    2. I do tease my children. We share and talk on all topics. Nowadays being a mom is like being their friend. Join in their games. You would have closer bond.

    3. Just remember, even friends you are still their parent. XD

    4. I love May Lim's approach to parenting.
      Your children are lucky to have you <3

    5. Winter: I will remember because we do set limit to it. If any line crossing must sit down in family meeting.
      Dawnx: Thank you. I am still learning to be a good parent.

  2. Love it!! Your writing style is really great.
    I'm yet again impressed by the flow.
    It's perfect!

    1. Thank you Dawn. Please make more MV perhaps...*thumbs wiggles* Feng Jie one?
