Saturday, February 27, 2016

[BromanceFanFic] Na Na's Clothes Chapter3

Title: Na Na's Clothes  
Author: Winter Bubble Tea 
Pairing: Wei Qing Yang/ Yang Na Na, Pi Ya Nuo/ Du Zi Feng 
Summary: There are constant moments where taking a step doesn't mean going too far.

Zi Feng entered the Cafe and was directed up the stairs with Ya Nuo. "I want to room with my wife!" He complained when they discover there was only two rooms.

Qing Yang shakes his head and points, "Then go ahead it isn't the first time I slept beside Na Na."

Na Na didn't even blink and gave a sweet smile at Zi Feng and Ya Nuo, "It's alright...we should be fine. Daddy gave permission before!"

Ya Nuo gave a glance to Zi Feng, the exasperating man just stated, "What? We have been sleeping together in the same room as bros all this time."

"That's right!" Ya Nuo realizes and glares, "You knew I was a girl all that time and still shamelessly took advantage of me!"

Zi Feng gave a smirk, "Sleeping beside you isn't taking advantage...doing taking advantage and that was after marriage."

Ya Nuo cheeks turns red, "Ah...not saying anything in front of witnesses!" She marches into the open door room to the right.

Zi Feng winks, "I am going to have so much fun! Good night!" He skips along like a lunatic inside and slams the door shut.

Na Na rub her neck and move toward the left room that was opened, she glances over, "Come's getting late." She carried her hat inside with a small backpack.

Qing Yang move behind her and noted the one queen size bed, he turns red in embarrassment, this would be his first time sharing a bed with Na Na. Originally he would sleep on a make shift bed. 

Setting the backpack down on the dresser to the side, Na Na place her hat down on the top and snapped open her back pack to pull out her hair brush and her skin moisture and soap. She glances over to Qing Yang and gave a small smile, "Just let me change behind the screen then." There was a oriental screen set off to the side of the room near the corner.

Qing Yang gave a small laugh at how shy she was acting, since she was behind the screen he said, "I will be changing too..." He had his own duffle bag and was tugging out his change of clothing. Mostly a grey slack and green shirt for comfort to sleep in.

Na Na pulled out a pajama top in the shade of pale yellow with black baggy shorts. She headed behind the screen and started to slid off her dress and tossing it over the screen, slipping on the shorts and the pajama top. She asked carefully, "Are you done?"

"Yeah just let me pull on my shirt." Qing Yang said, he had already slipped out of his jean and had folded it neatly to put into the duffle bag. His cellphone was laying on the writing desk with his wallet and watch. Sliding on his shirt he called out, "Okay!"

Na Na slipped out folding the dress and sliding it into her backpack. She slid out her tooth brush, "I am going to the bathroom to brush my teeth now."

"Ah let me accompany you too." Qing Yang said, there was no way he would let her out in just that without a guard, there were still other people that dwell in this cafe. The bathroom was consider communion and was shared by everyone. Tugging out his facial wash and skin care, he also slid out his tooth brush. He did take good care of himself and it embarrassed him that his stuff was a tad more compare to Na Na.

Na Na made her way down the hallway being followed by him. The bathroom wasn't too large but it was just enough space for the both of them. Setting her hair brush down on the counter with her soap and moisturizer Na Na pulled out her tooth brush and paste sliding it on she started to brush her teeth.

Qing Yang mirror her brushing his teeth as well. Na Na glances over to him and gave a smile it felt weird and nice having someone with her as she brushes her teeth. To the side was plastic cups that she filled with water she set it to the side for him and one for her. Brushing then rinsing like her normal methods she spit into the sink. Qing Yang copy her, then out comes the face towel and soap. She started to lather her hands with the soap and water after she pulled her hair back with a hair tie. She started to rub the foam onto her sink cleansing.

Qing Yang watches and brought out his skin cleanser, "Na Na...we will need to get you better skin products...later on."

"Huh?" Na Na washes her face quickly, then grab the towel wiping, "Why?"

"You are young right now yes but we need to start to protect your sink before sun spots come along and other things...." Qing Yang said as he went on his turn washing his face and getting rid of the day. He then pull out the toner and set it on his face with moisturizer. All Na Na use was her moisturizer and pouts at him.

"I don't quite know what you are talking about." Na Na said.

"I will teach you." Qing Yang said, "We need to pamper your skin."

"Somehow I am not sure if you are like a sister then my boy friend..." Na Na teases.

Qing Yang finishes and huffs, "I like to think you appreciate my consideration."

"OH I do...!' Na Na said, "But most of the time everything sounds alien like to me!" Qing Yang splashes her with water from the sink she shrieks and splashes him back.

"Wei Qing Yang~" Na Na laughs and ran off as he grabs her back and tugs her into his arm. She struggles and said, "You cheater!"

Qing Yang tickles her stomach earning more laughter until she was breathless. Watching her lips parted and the panting of air sliding out and in was too tempting, Qing Yang lean down and pressed his lips against her.

Na Na brown eyes widen staring into his then flutter close. Her lips were responsible twitching under his own, he parted his lips and lick her lips gently with a swipe tasting strawberry of her lip stick. Then pulled back, he lean his forehead with hers, "Qing...Yang~~..." Na Na whispers.

Qing Yang took a large breath in and sighs outwardly, "You are in here." He grip her hand and pressed it against his pounding heart.

Na Na open her eyes and gave a gentle tender smile at him that was warm, "I know."

The two clean up the mess they made in the bathroom and packed their items. Na Na went back into the room with Qing Yang and set her stuff back into her back pack. She picked up her hair brush, Qing Yang wrapped his hand around her wrist and tug her down onto the bed, "Let me..."

Na Na look at his face reading it and then nods turning so her back faces him. Her hair was untied from the hair tie and with a stroke of the hair brush from the top of her head and down. Qing Yang worked through her hair brushing out tangles gently. It was soothing and Na Na was enjoying the feeling of someone doing this for her. Her mother use to brush her hair and braid her hair when she was a child. She never thought she would miss this.

The brushing stopped and she open her eyes look disappointed. Qing Yang set the brush off to the side and stood up to turn down the bed sheets. "Come..." He lifted one side and Na Na slid in easily, he then got in after her. His arms wrapped around her slender waist to tug against him.

"Qing Yang...I love you." Na Na yawns and turned around so she was laying her head against his shoulder and chest.

"I know..." Qing Yang presses his lips against her forehead.

Morning came quickly and Qing Yang woke up to an empty bed, he felt disappointed since he wanted to greet his girlfriend awake, stretching he got up and pulled out his clothes and headed to the bathroom to have a shower. Finishing his shower and shaving, he went back to the room to pack his items and grab his cellphone and wallet, then down the stairs to the cafe.

This coffee shop was a bit different, it held book shelves with books so that the customers could read any book they like and drink coffee or have cake. Most of the books were unwanted library books that were about to be retired, Xing Tian didn't want any of the books to be disposed of, since it was a waste so he pick and choose the books that still were in good condition and gave them a new home.

He called out softly, "Morning!"

Na Na glances up from the book she held and gave a bright smile, "Morning Qing Yang!" Qing Yang froze at the stairs and look at the cute skirt and black top that was covered by a weave white shoulder sweater. It was cute and pretty, Qing Yang eyes remained on Na Na face but he felt his will power waver as they linger down to her pale legs.

She gave a shy smile, "What is it?"

Qing Yang shook his head, "It's nothing just you look very pretty today."

Na Na glances down at herself and move to sit on the chair and tilt her head cutely, "You pick these clothes too. I just brought them along."

"Yeah--but your legs..." Qing Yang started.

"Does my boyfriend not like me wearing the clothes he gave me?" Na Na asked confused.

Qing Yang shook his head, "It's not that just...the skirt is higher up and you are showing a lot of skin."

"It's not as comfortable feels nice. I can see why Zi Han likes dresses and skirts now...Taiwan is quite hot at this point and its refreshing." Na Na beams.

Qing Yang made a note to stick to Na Na like glue, there was no way he would let his bunny get eaten before he gotten a nibble. She was too naive for her own good, didn't she see the appeal of her lovely legs? He could feel himself boil from looking at her.

"Qing Yang." Na Na whines.

"What's wrong?" Qing Yang taken aback by Na Na change of behavior.

"Please make me your coffee!" Na Na was holding her hands out like a child and squirming along.

Qing Yang presses his hand to his forehead and shook his head, "Caffeine isn't too good for you."

"Coffee....please..." Na Na whines.

Qing Yang felt his iron clad will waver toward Na Na teary eye look at him. She whimpers and increased the kick puppy look to times three and he felt himself sway, "Okay..."

"Yeah!" Na Na bounces out of her chair and launches herself onto Qing Yang into a hug. "Thank you!"

This was the scene that Zi Feng and Ya Nuo walked into. Zi Feng whistles, "What is the good news?"

Na Na turns and skips along, her hair bouncing behind her in layers, "Qing Yang is going to make me coffee!"

Ya Nuo lips quirk upward, "You are already hyper do you really need coffee?"

"There is nothing more better then having your boyfriend make you his lovely god like coffee!" Na Na said, "If you realize my family are coffee nuts!"

"That's true..." Zi Feng glances to Qing Yang and back at Na Na, "Considering you all are coffee snobs, especially Uncle Tian."

Ya Nuo laughs, "I still think since you all are coffee professionals, why don't you two make us both coffee?"

Na Na pauses, "That's true..." She tap her finger to her lips, "But Ya Nuo I thought you made coffee before?"

"I know how---doesn't mean I am all professional like Uncle Tian or Qing Yang." Ya Nuo stated and points to Zi Feng, "Though this guy here is better at cooking then I I will be the happy man of the house while he is the house wife."

Zi Feng crosses his arms over his hips and said, "I am not wearing a dress and being Mrs. Du! Besides what guy likes being called feminine?"

"I don't called me delicate before you even knew I was a guy!" Ya Nuo shot back, "I will be sure to change this dress and wear my regular male clothes again to prove it!"

Na Na giggles, "I do so miss Brother Nuo..."

Ya Nuo eyebrow raises, "Right, see Na Na misses Brother Nuo...don't tell me you miss my manly self too?"

Zi Feng places his hand to his chin and considers, "I do miss it and I know you hit hard even if you are change back to a girl." He gestures to Qing Yang, "Even Qing Yang doesn't hit as hard when he spars with me."

Na Na blinks and glances to Qing Yang, "Qing Yang knows martial arts?"

Zi Feng gave a smirk, "Yes, he does Tae Kwon Do. His kicks are powerful."

"You three really are a power house." Na Na considers and sighs, "I am not much in martial arts..."

"You don't need to learn it, but..." Qing Yang considers, "I could teach you self defense or maybe you can take up tai chi for better circulations?"

Na Na wanting to spend more time discovering Qing Yang new facets nods her head. "Yes I like that!"

"Now about that coffee competition." Ya Nuo reminds them.

Na Na bites her lips, "I only learn certain type of coffee style from Qing Yang, so---I hope you don't mind."

"No...we won't mind at all." Zi Feng said and he tug Ya Nuo to the table and sat them down to relax. Na Na went behind the counter with Qing Yang and they both look through what they had in stock.
<< Chapter [2] 
>> Chapter [4]


  1. I love the pure and natural love of QY and NN.

    1. They will remain pure with the speed they are going!

  2. cant wait for the next hahaha reading your fanfic is kinda addicting for me.. and im looking forward for a deep kiss between QY and NN :p
