Thursday, October 6, 2016

[FanFic MLSHR] Moon Lover Scarlet Heart Ryeo One Shot 16

Title: One Shot 16- My Child

Drama: Moon Lover Scarlet Heart Ryeo
Rating: PG-13
Type: Introspective
Character: Oh Hae Soo, Hae Soo

Summary: Oh Seo Yeon loves Hae Soo like her child.

Bond broken are painful. Hae Soo love Lady Oh. The woman was so strict to her but she did care at least to what Hae Soo understood.

Seo Yeon watches the Prince Wook fret around her heart daughter and the dance between her and the Wolf cub. She wishes her daughter didn't garnish attention of those men but her daughter was a moon. Reflective light that shone brightly in the sky during the season changes; she was lovely and Seo Yeon wonder about her own child. If they had survive would have been so bright to her.

The dangers to her daughter of her heart made her blood boil. She would have been tricked and played with by the King when she was young but she did not want such an event to happen to Hae Soo.

Seo Yeon strokes the girl’s hair and whisper softly.  "Let’s leave." She implored her child. "Come with me outside the palace. To freedom without the horrific deceit and lies that would hurt you. Come with me to a warm family that would love you instead of being in this wretched place where cowards dwell."

Hae Soo eyes reminded her of her own determination stated she couldn't but for Seo Yeon she could leave as long as Hae Soo was with her. She did not need a King that never gave her the time of the day and frequent with those entire woman that vivid fought for his attention and the throne.

If she had a child she would never want that child to be of this cruel existence. Her love was a coward with greed of the throne and those he produce would desire that chair instead of what she thought was important.

So Seo Yeon stayed watching and keeping guard of her naive child and when that clot Prince Wook came requesting she take her child place. She knew that history will repeat once again and her child would suffer.

She was ill and did not want to witness such an event again. So she begged the King and plotted and prays her child live happily.

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